Feeling Stuck? Overwhelmed?

Stretched too thin?

B&W Photo of Michelle reading a book

You’ve set goals before, but struggled to find balance along the way. Or maybe have big dreams, but aren’t sure where to start.

You realize something has to change and it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Coaching helps you break through

Balance By Michelle Coaching helps recovering
overachievers create intentional and balanced lives.

Through coaching, I help you take intentional action that is aligned with your values.

Rather than racing forward with no clear direction, you will clarify your priorities so you can focus on what matters most - all while finding joy in the journey.

Live Intentionally

Define your values, clarify your goals, and create an action plan to follow-through with balance and joy.

3 months of coaching

This package is perfect for creating a strong foundation and clear direction for where you want to go in life. Your coaching sessions will help you…

  • Define your core values

  • Create a personal mission statement

  • Cast a vision for the future

  • Define your personal and/or professional goals

  • Move forward with gentle consistency

Michelle Huntley sitting at desk smiling

What’s included:

  • Six 60-minute coaching sessions (2x/month) - in-person or virtual

  • Email access to Michelle for support through your journey

  • Goal-setting worksheet


  • Counseling primarily focuses on the past while coaching focuses on the future. Counseling helps individuals work through past trauma, cope with life’s challenges, and address mental health concerns. Coaching is goal-centered and not for those in psychological distress.

  • Coaching is for healthy and functional individuals. Coaching is designed for motivated people who want to determine their direction and make a greater impact with their lives.

  • Each coaching session begins with the client choosing one main topic to focus on during the call. In the “Live Intentionally” package, there will be some guidance for topics to focus on, but ultimately, the client determines the specific focus of the session.

    In your sessions, I will ask thoughtful questions and give you a space to discuss your big picture dreams.

    Coaching will help you find answers within yourself rather than me providing you with specific advice.

    Each coaching call will provide you with new awareness to create a personalized plan of action.

  • Although I highly recommend the “Live Intentionally” package for anyone new to coaching or goal-planning, I understand that each individual is unique with different needs, goals, and priorities.

    Customized coaching packages are offered for individuals who want to focus on a specific area of their life or are looking to coach for a shorter or longer time period.

    Custom packages are most beneficial if you have clarity around your values and purpose, but want to grow in another area of your life. Often, custom packages are designed after a client completes their “Live Intentionally” coaching package and wants to continue their personalized growth through coaching.

Some things we focus on in coaching…

Clarifying values and priorities


Getting un-stuck


Living more intentionally


Finding balance and joy in the journey


Clarifying values and priorities | Getting un-stuck | Living more intentionally | Finding balance and joy in the journey |

Let’s Connect!

Ready to take the leap and live more intentionally?